2020-02-18 10160

Why do we require documents and personal data

Why do we require documents and personal data

Why is a Document Required for Bulk SMS Sending?
From the operators providing STH services, according to the sixth paragraph of the 15th article of the Consumer Rights Regulation in the Electronic Communication Sector, prepared by the Information Technologies and Communication Authority and published in the Official Gazette dated 28/07/2010 and numbered 27655,
from the persons or institutions they work with. These documents are required to be received in full.
Operator: The company that provides electronic communication services within the framework of authorization and / or provides electronic communication network and operates its infrastructure,
Consumer: Real or legal person who uses or requests electronic communication service for commercial or non-professional purposes, - TC in individual subscriptions Identification Number and identity document,
-T.C. Identification Number and identity document and the document indicating that they are authorized to represent,
- passport document with valid validity date for subscriptions of foreign nationals, seaman document, foreign mission identity card or NATO identity document The completeness of the documents in this article and the accuracy of the information in the said documents are checked by the operator and the necessary confirmation process is made from the Central Population Administration System of the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs of the Ministry of Interior. Any responsibility for the line opened without verifying the accuracy of the information in question belongs to the operator.

You can visit the official site of BTK to examine the relevant regulation.
www.btk.gov.tr ​​

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